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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006314The Dark ModCodingpublic06.06.2024 05:17
Reporteres20490446e Assigned Tostgatilov  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionSVN 
Summary0006314: fails to build: ffmpeg

- make 4.4.1
- gcc 13.2.1
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006253 resolvedstgatilov Third-party libraries update and conan 2 




29.09.2023 12:06

reporter   ~0016085

I'm working on fixing this right now.


29.09.2023 22:04

reporter   ~0016089

Here's the fix. Let me know when it is committed. (9,566 bytes)


01.10.2023 17:33

administrator   ~0016091

So, there is a compile error introduced 4 months ago?
And is it fixed?
I don't see any "release version" on FFmpeg tracker.

You know, I'm not sure building FFmpeg without assembly is a good idea.
My opinion is: just wait until FFmpeg releases a fix, then update to the version.

Aside from that, it is possible to look at the fix FFmpeg did (most likely add 32, but better check), and add it as a patch.


02.10.2023 02:30

reporter   ~0016092

- The failure is due to an update of gcc.
- The fix is only available in git. Maybe it would only be fixed for version 6.
- Which commit fixes it is mentioned nowhere.


02.10.2023 02:31

reporter   ~0016093

- The affected file is so different in version 4 compared with 6. You can't make a patch out of it.


05.10.2023 13:41

reporter   ~0016101

I have the commit, I'm preparing the patch right now.


05.10.2023 18:19

reporter   ~0016102

- Upgrades ffmpeg to 4.4.4.
- Adds patch to build with the latest binutils.

- Upgrades openal to 1.23.1.
- Upgrades the mxcsr.patch to work with such version.
- Changes patching to work with the latest build environment.
- Sets its depend on alsa to be the same as the rest of packages, in packages.yaml.

- Commented all the differences with the original conanfiles.
- Corrected the conan install command at to explicitly have "--profile:build", which causes warnings with the latest build environment. (15,304 bytes)


05.10.2023 18:19

reporter   ~0016103

- Tested that all builds and works while launching the game.


05.10.2023 18:21

reporter   ~0016104

Let me know when you include it in the SVN.


21.10.2023 12:02

administrator   ~0016144

I committed FFmpeg recipe update in svn rev 10466.

What's the deal with OpenAL?
We had OpenAL breaking frequently in various versions, not really happy with +2 major versions upgrade.


21.10.2023 15:01

reporter   ~0016145

If I don't recall it wrongly there was a mismatch between the custom openal version, and the version some other package was asking for. Which triggered a warning.

By the was I have been using The Dark Mod with the upgraded openal, and I have seen no issues whatsoever. If I upload a fix here it's because I have already thoroughly tested it builds well with the hole game.

Also when I was in charge for Ubuntu papercut bugs I observed a phenomenon that was contrary to popular belief. That as long as the new version didn't have any grave bug upgrading more often, even when you had a risk of getting new bugs, usually resulted in less bugs afterwards.

Because when you upgrade more often you receive the bugs one by one, so you can fix them little by little too.

But if you wait for too long to upgrade all bugs may come in avalanche, so in practice there is a higher delay on fixing them.

Also new versions usually quickly the grave bugs, which are the most relevant ones. Minor issues, which are most of them, usually don't prevent software from working well enough.


21.10.2023 15:11

reporter   ~0016146

By the way the bincrafters repository seems dormant, as it hasn't seen a single recipe update since January.

Probably we should keep an eye on it.


21.10.2023 15:33

administrator   ~0016147

Strange: there are no dependencies on OpenAL except for ALSA, and ALSA is not required by any other package.
If FFmpeg is built with ALSA for some reason, this should be fixed --- it does not depend in our minimalistic build.

"when you upgrade more often you receive the bugs one by one, so you can fix them little by little too."
I have not seen yet anyone in TDM community who can fix a bug in OpenAL.
And I don't recall any successful bug report either --- it's just "something not working on some machine".

"I have already thoroughly tested it builds well with the whole game."
Well, speaking of the previous issues, OpenAL also worked perfectly fine for me =)
It was always other people who had breaking issues.


21.10.2023 15:52

reporter   ~0016148

The dependency issue was about alsa. the old openal required an older version of alsa than some other package.

I think that if a minority is experiencing an issue with openal they should report to openal developers, instead of leaving all the bugs accumulate till the end of times and never upgrade.


06.06.2024 05:17

administrator   ~0016724

FFmpeg is not updated to 6.1 which includes the patch naturally.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
31.08.2023 00:49 es20490446e New Issue
29.09.2023 12:06 es20490446e Note Added: 0016085
29.09.2023 22:04 es20490446e Note Added: 0016089
29.09.2023 22:04 es20490446e File Added:
01.10.2023 17:33 stgatilov Note Added: 0016091
02.10.2023 02:30 es20490446e Note Added: 0016092
02.10.2023 02:31 es20490446e Note Added: 0016093
05.10.2023 13:41 es20490446e Note Added: 0016101
05.10.2023 18:19 es20490446e Note Added: 0016102
05.10.2023 18:19 es20490446e File Added:
05.10.2023 18:19 es20490446e Note Added: 0016103
05.10.2023 18:21 es20490446e Note Added: 0016104
21.10.2023 12:02 stgatilov Note Added: 0016144
21.10.2023 15:01 es20490446e Note Added: 0016145
21.10.2023 15:11 es20490446e Note Added: 0016146
21.10.2023 15:33 stgatilov Note Added: 0016147
21.10.2023 15:52 es20490446e Note Added: 0016148
25.05.2024 18:28 stgatilov Relationship added related to 0006253
06.06.2024 05:17 stgatilov Assigned To => stgatilov
06.06.2024 05:17 stgatilov Status new => resolved
06.06.2024 05:17 stgatilov Resolution open => fixed
06.06.2024 05:17 stgatilov Note Added: 0016724