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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006507The Dark ModMappingpublic01.07.2024 04:57
ReporterAmadeus Assigned ToAmadeus  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 2.12 
Target VersionTDM 2.13Fixed in VersionTDM 2.13 
Summary0006507: "Drunk" AI spawnarg broken
DescriptionWhen mappers enable the "Drunk" spawnarg to "1" on any human AI, the "drunk" AI does not act "drunk" in game. They merely sway silently; there are no idle_barks and limited drunk idle animations.

Currently, mappers are forced to counterintuitively set the "Drunk" spawnarg to "0" and set the idle_barks, drunk vocal sets, and idle drunk animation spawnargs themselves.

I've provided media links to two videos that clearly highlight the difference between an AI with "Drunk" "1" enabled and an AI with "Drunk" "0" enabled but with custom spawnargs to make it appear as though they are drunk.
Steps To Reproduce1. Select any AI in Dark Radiant
2. Set "drunk" spawnarg to "1"
3. Load up TDM and witness how no drunk barks are coming from the "drunk" AI.
Additional InformationDrunk "1" AI:

Drunk "0" AI with custom spawnargs enabled:

Step 1: Fix defs so that there are no more silent AI - COMPLETE in rev 17052
Step 2: Adjust idle_bark_interval_min/max spawnargs to lower values (default is "30" and "90" respectively) so that the AI appear more drunk and less silent when mappers set "Drunk" "1" - COMPLETE in rev 17057
Step 3: Include idle animations via blend animation in tdm_ai_base.script - COMPLETE in rev 17073
Step 4: TEMPORARY FIX: Disable "CanGreet" "1" because AI greet using a different vocal set, not the snd_drunk vocal set so the effect is jarring- COMPLETE in rev 10803
Step 5: Fix drunk female AI t-pose - COMPLETE in rev 17062
Step 6: Fix drunk undead AI. If a mapper makes them drunk (for what reason I don't know, but who knows?), the undead AI's mouth will move, but no sound will come out. COMPLETE in rev 17067
Step 7: Add drunk vocal sets for manbeast (I compiled this out of existing sounds, it is pretty convincing IMO) COMPLETE in rev 17067.
Step 8: Add drunk vocal set for Moor AI - COMPLETE 17082
Step 9: Add drunk vocal set for Jack AI - COMPLETE 17082
Step 10: Find way for drunk AI to greet others using correct vocal set - COMPLETE 17069
Step 11: Ensure consistent vocal sets are used for all drunk AI. Created "def_vocal_set_drunk" spawnarg - COMPLETE 17075
Tagsanimation, model, vocals


related to 0005047 resolvedAmadeus Drunk women spawn in T-pose and don't idle properly 




13.06.2024 19:02

developer   ~0016737

At revision: 17052 - Made revisions to vocal set defs to fix missing "snd_drunk" values on male AIs.


16.06.2024 22:05

developer   ~0016750

Revision 17057: Added two new spawnargs: idle_bark_interval_min_drunk and idle_bark_interval_max_drunk, Mappers will also be able to alter these base values if they would like


20.06.2024 21:15

developer   ~0016763

Revision 17069: Restored drunk AI's greeting ability, added new spawnarg "snd_greeting_generic_drunk"


23.06.2024 03:20

developer   ~0016770

Revision 17073: "Drunk" AI can now have idle animations such as bottle drinking, etc.


01.07.2024 03:42

developer   ~0016784

Rev 17082: Added two drunk vocal sets and relevant subtitles for Moor and Jack AIs

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
26.03.2024 02:44 Amadeus New Issue
26.03.2024 02:44 Amadeus Tag Attached: animation
26.03.2024 02:44 Amadeus Tag Attached: vocals
26.03.2024 12:37 Fiver Tag Attached: model
13.06.2024 19:02 Amadeus Note Added: 0016737
13.06.2024 19:05 Amadeus Assigned To => Amadeus
13.06.2024 19:05 Amadeus Status new => resolved
13.06.2024 19:05 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
13.06.2024 19:12 Amadeus Status resolved => assigned
13.06.2024 19:12 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
13.06.2024 19:13 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
16.06.2024 22:05 Amadeus Note Added: 0016750
16.06.2024 22:10 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
18.06.2024 01:16 Amadeus Relationship added related to 0005047
18.06.2024 03:20 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
18.06.2024 22:42 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
18.06.2024 23:19 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
19.06.2024 00:25 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
19.06.2024 03:31 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
19.06.2024 13:07 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
20.06.2024 15:18 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
20.06.2024 21:04 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
20.06.2024 21:15 Amadeus Note Added: 0016763
23.06.2024 03:20 Amadeus Note Added: 0016770
23.06.2024 03:22 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
23.06.2024 23:36 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
01.07.2024 03:42 Amadeus Status assigned => resolved
01.07.2024 03:42 Amadeus Note Added: 0016784
01.07.2024 03:46 Amadeus Additional Information Updated
01.07.2024 04:57 nbohr1more Resolution open => fixed
01.07.2024 04:57 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => TDM 2.13