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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006516The Dark ModAIpublic26.05.2024 22:15
ReporterFrost_Salamander Assigned ToDragofer  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version11
Product VersionSVN 
Fixed in VersionSVN 
Summary0006516: path_follow_actor doesn't work as described
DescriptionThe description of path_follow_actor states:

"A path entity instructing the AI targetting this path to follow the actor (=player or other AI) targetted by this path."

This implies that it can be used to instruct an AI to follow the player. However this doesn't work. It only works if you want an AI to follow another AI.

Ideally this would work for the player, as it's come up on the forums a few times recently and I have tried to get it to works as well with no success. If it cannot be made to work, suggest we update the description to remove the reference to the 'player' and indicate it only works with AI.
TagsNo tags attached.




11.05.2024 11:34

reporter   ~0016693

This does in fact work. The mapper just needs to be aware of how to do it. See here:


23.05.2024 00:07

reporter   ~0016707

@Frost_Salamander: Should this issue be closed as "No change required"?


26.05.2024 19:55

reporter   ~0016710

Yes - this can be closed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
03.04.2024 21:12 Frost_Salamander New Issue
03.04.2024 21:14 Frost_Salamander Description Updated
11.05.2024 11:34 Frost_Salamander Note Added: 0016693
23.05.2024 00:07 Fiver Note Added: 0016707
26.05.2024 19:55 Frost_Salamander Note Added: 0016710
26.05.2024 22:15 nbohr1more Assigned To => Dragofer
26.05.2024 22:15 nbohr1more Status new => closed
26.05.2024 22:15 nbohr1more Resolution open => no change required
26.05.2024 22:15 nbohr1more Product Version TDM 2.12 => SVN
26.05.2024 22:15 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => SVN