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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006536The Dark ModTexturespublic25.06.2024 11:38
ReporterBikerdude Assigned Tostgatilov  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10 (23H2)
Product VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0006536: Shadows2 texture broken
Description1. Create an open sided box out of patches and texture it with shadows2
2. light will shining straight through the box, when it should not.

You can see in the attahced image the log are being light despite the fact they are in full shadow.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Untitled.jpg (213,745 bytes)   
Untitled.jpg (213,745 bytes)   


duplicate of 0006535 new NoSelfShadows broken. 
related to 0005172 resolvedstgatilov Improve interaction culling: case when player-visible object is not visible from light 




15.05.2024 03:06

developer   ~0016697

Last edited: 15.05.2024 03:08

I believe that shadows2 violates some of the design created in 2.12 ( Issue 5172 )

See if the problem happens when you set:

    r_useLightPortalFlow = 1
    r_useLightPortalFlowCulling = 0

( 2.11 mode )

If that cures it, try adding the:


spawnarg to the impacted entity


15.05.2024 07:31

reporter   ~0016698

Tried the following args -

r_useLightPortalFlow = 1
r_useLightPortalFlowCulling = 0

UNfortunatly, no change.


25.06.2024 07:21

administrator   ~0016775

Is this a duplicate of 0006535 ?


25.06.2024 07:40

reporter   ~0016777

it is, 0006535 was supposed to be just about "models/darkmod/lights/extinguishable/standing_oil_lamp.lwo"


25.06.2024 11:38

developer   ~0016778

Thanks! Closing as a duplicate.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
14.05.2024 08:17 Bikerdude New Issue
14.05.2024 08:17 Bikerdude File Added: Untitled.jpg
14.05.2024 08:17 Bikerdude Relationship added related to 0006535
15.05.2024 03:01 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0005172
15.05.2024 03:06 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016697
15.05.2024 03:08 nbohr1more Note Edited: 0016697
15.05.2024 07:31 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016698
25.06.2024 07:21 stgatilov Note Added: 0016775
25.06.2024 07:40 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016777
25.06.2024 11:37 nbohr1more Relationship deleted related to 0006535
25.06.2024 11:37 nbohr1more Relationship added duplicate of 0006535
25.06.2024 11:38 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016778
25.06.2024 11:38 nbohr1more Assigned To => stgatilov
25.06.2024 11:38 nbohr1more Status new => closed
25.06.2024 11:38 nbohr1more Resolution open => duplicate