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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006599The Dark ModCodingpublic18.01.2025 21:15
ReporterFiver Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS Version11 Bullseye
Product VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0006599: First connected gamepad does not always control TDM
DescriptionWhen more than one gamepad is connected, it is not always the first connected gamepad that controls TDM. It depends on whether the gamepads are connected before or after TDM starts.

Proposed change:
* The gamepad that was connected first shall control the game.

Reproduced in TDM 2.13/64 #10920.
Steps To Reproduce* Start TDM with no gamepads connected
* connect 2 (or more) gamepads
* the gamepad that was connected first is controlling the TDM (expected)
* Close TDM
* Start TDM with 2 (or more) gamepads connected
* the gamepad that was connected second is controlling TDM (unexpected)


related to 0006400 new Add a test function to test mapping of buttons and keys and mouse from GUI 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
01.01.2025 10:54 Fiver New Issue
01.01.2025 10:54 Fiver Tag Attached: gamepad
01.01.2025 10:54 Fiver Relationship added related to 0006400
18.01.2025 21:15 Fiver Steps to Reproduce Updated