Changesets: DarkRadiant

vcs 28c77f8d

15.07.2021 17:43


Details Diff
0005662: Add fly-out menu Affected Issues
mod - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.xrc Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs 244b1eba

15.07.2021 17:28


Details Diff
0005662: Add some icons, and show commit count to be synced Affected Issues
add - install/bitmaps/incoming_commits.png Diff File
add - install/bitmaps/outgoing_commits.png Diff File
mod - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.xrc Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File

master 50d683d6

14.07.2021 19:55


Details Diff
Brightness adjustment now supports undo

Start an undo command when the drag begins, and finish it when the mouse is
released (i.e. at the same time the colour picker is updated). This avoids
flooding the undo queue with lots of useless tiny adjustment commands.

The incremental drag event is now wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK, since an extra
wxEVT_SLIDER is emitted *after* the final wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED event, resulting
in a spurious new undo command being initiated which in turn prevents the
previous command from being undone.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.h Diff File

master 39efc2ec

14.07.2021 19:14


Details Diff
Add slight non-linearity to the brightness slider

Use a gentle power law (exponent 1.25) to give slightly more slider control
over the darker colours without being too confusing. This maps the 25% position
to around 18%, 50% to 42% and 75% to 70%.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File

master c0d54c7c

13.07.2021 19:31


Details Diff
Adjust brightness of all lights in correct proportion

Instead of setting each light to the brightness defined by the current slider
position (which causes dim lights to jump in brightness when selected along
with a bright light), modify each light's starting colour in proportion to the
adjustment delta.

This means that dimming two or more lights together gives the expected result,
even if some of them are much brighter than others.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File

master ff377e16

13.07.2021 19:23


Details Diff
Brightness slider initialised from all light colours

Initialise the slider to the brightness of the highest RGB component in ALL
selected lights, rather than the first light entity selected. This should
ensure that no individual light is overbrightened when the slider is dragged to
maximum value.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.h Diff File

vcs de4ed505

11.07.2021 19:38


Details Diff
0005662: Move status bar definition to XRC file Affected Issues
add - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.fbp Diff File
add - install/ui/vcsstatusbar.xrc Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/GitModule.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/GitModule.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs 6cbd6cb2

11.07.2021 19:01


Details Diff
0005662: Detect whether remote changes need to be resolved against the local ones Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs dab0dec3

11.07.2021 17:47


Details Diff
0005662: Refactoring Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

master 9f660a59

11.07.2021 13:57


Details Diff
Refactor SelectionSystem::foreachSelected()

Implement the Visitor-based overload of this method by calling the
functor-based overload with a lambda which points to the visit() method, rather
than requiring two separate largely-redundant implementations.
mod - include/iselection.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/RadiantSelectionSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/selection/RadiantSelectionSystem.h Diff File

master 696d508b

11.07.2021 13:00


Details Diff
Update Light Inspector colour picker after changing brightness

After the slider drag has finished, update the colour picker to show the new
colour. This is multi-selection aware, and will show a transparent colour if
there is more than one light selected and their colours are inconsistent
(transparency might not be the ideal indication for this, but I can't see a
better way to indicate "inconsistent colours" in the wxColourPickerCtrl

Note that according to wxWidgets docs, wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED only works on
Windows, but it actually seems to work fine on GTK too. Hopefully it will
behave the same way on Windows.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.h Diff File

vcs 5f2aeb43

11.07.2021 11:55


Details Diff
0005662: Error handling Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Commit.h Diff File
add - plugins/vcs/GitException.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Reference.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj.filters Diff File

vcs 1ec28b9a

11.07.2021 11:28


Details Diff
0005662: The incoming remote commits are inspected to see in advance whether they can conflict with the active map Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Diff.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs 6d2e9001

11.07.2021 11:04


Details Diff
0005662: Working on pre-merge analysis Affected Issues
add - plugins/vcs/Commit.h Diff File
add - plugins/vcs/Diff.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.h Diff File
add - plugins/vcs/Tree.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj.filters Diff File

vcs 84d88d47

10.07.2021 11:47


Details Diff
0005662: Need to add additional flags to get the status of untracked files
(might be related to libgit2 issue 4315)
Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Reference.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File

vcs 4035114b

10.07.2021 08:07


Details Diff
0005662: Check divergence of local vs tracked remote Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Reference.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Remote.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs 2b9d7054

10.07.2021 06:02


Details Diff
0005662: Working copy file modifications are detected Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File

vcs c3981246

10.07.2021 05:29


Details Diff
0005662: Prepare checking the map file for uncommitted changes Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/Repository.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

vcs 7980f296

09.07.2021 19:19


Details Diff
0005662: Move VcsStatus implementation Affected Issues
mod - plugins/vcs/GitModule.cpp Diff File
add - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/vcs.vcxproj.filters Diff File

vcs 1bc2367f

09.07.2021 18:53


Details Diff
0005662: Add preferences page Affected Issues
mod - install/user.xml Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/GitModule.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/GitModule.h Diff File
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.h Diff File

master 567589bc

07.07.2021 20:11


Details Diff
Light brightness will not be reduced below 1%

1% brightness is almost indistinguishable from black, but (unlike true black)
does not discard colour information entirely, allowing the brightness to be
increased again without the colour changing to grey. There might be some slight
colour information loss due to floating point rounding at very low values, but
hopefully not enough to make a visible difference.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File

master cc795dd7

07.07.2021 20:04


Details Diff
Improve brightness slider behaviour when original colour is black

A multiplicative brightness increase doesn't work when the original colour is
(0, 0, 0), so in this case we just set a grey value based on the new brightness

Normally black lights would not occur, but with the current widget it is very
easy to set the colour to 0 by dragging all the way to the left, at which point
colour information is lost and a subsequent increase in brightness reverts to
grey, rather than the original colour. This should be improved.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File

master 13237186

07.07.2021 19:36


Details Diff
Light brightness slider now applies changes to light

Adjust the brightness upwards or downwards according to the position of the
slider. Changes are visible in the 3D camera view, but the colour widget in the
dialog is not yet synchronised.
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.h Diff File

master 7249846d

06.07.2021 19:43


Details Diff
Add initial brightness slider to Light Inspector

The wxWidgets colour chooser on GTK is usable for choosing a basic colour, but
it really sucks for adjusting brightness, requiring you to enter a sub-dialog
to choose a "custom colour" (instead of one from its table of presets) and
involving multiple clicks before you can see the result of the light colour

A brightness slider will make it easier to make small adjustments to brightness
without choosing a completely new colour in a separate dialog. The slider is
currently initialised with a brightness value based on the light entity colour,
but moving the slider has no effect yet.
mod - install/ui/lightinspector.fbp Diff File
mod - install/ui/lightinspector.xrc Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/lightinspector/LightInspector.h Diff File

master e4a417a5

06.07.2021 18:29


Details Diff
SurfaceInspector has sensible minimum size

Using the SetSizerAndFit() method seems to set the correct minimum size for the
window (based on the contents), avoiding the problem common to many of our
dialogs whereby the window can be shrunk to almost nothing regardless of widget
minimum sizes.
mod - radiant/ui/surfaceinspector/SurfaceInspector.cpp Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 30 ... 60 ... 90 ... 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 261 262 263  Next  Last