View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004630The Dark ModGUIpublic31.12.2022 00:41
ReporterSpringheel Assigned ToSpringheel  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 2.07 
Summary0004630: Menu Update
DescriptionMany of the images in the main menu are low res and don't look very crisp on modern monitors. Additionally, some of the fonts are hard to read, especially when hilighted. The menu needs a general sprucing up.
TagsNo tags attached.


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Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
01.10.2017 19:27 Springheel New Issue
01.10.2017 19:27 Springheel Status new => assigned
01.10.2017 19:27 Springheel Assigned To => Springheel
05.10.2017 14:15 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0002445
05.10.2017 16:17 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0004569
05.10.2017 17:34 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0003160
03.12.2018 22:24 Springheel Status assigned => resolved
03.12.2018 22:24 Springheel Resolution open => fixed
03.12.2018 22:24 Springheel Status resolved => closed
17.01.2019 03:07 nbohr1more Relationship added parent of 0004944
17.01.2019 03:08 nbohr1more Relationship added parent of 0004932
17.01.2019 03:09 nbohr1more Relationship added parent of 0004060
17.01.2019 03:09 nbohr1more Relationship added parent of 0004478
17.01.2019 03:15 nbohr1more Relationship added parent of 0002626
31.12.2022 00:41 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0006209