View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005910DarkRadiantGUIpublic28.10.2022 05:52
ReporterDragofer Assigned Togreebo  
PrioritynormalSeveritynormalReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.14.0 
Target Version3.0.0Fixed in Version3.0.0 
Summary0005910: Entity Inspector: classname field should always be read-only, to force use of the "Choose entity class" button
DescriptionFollowing the discussion in issue 0005822, the classname entry box should not be editable, the PropertyEditor button "Choose Entity Class" should be used instead.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005822 closedgreebo Feature Request: Improve UI for worldspawn-to-entity conversion 




03.04.2022 20:24

reporter   ~0014795

Testing note under 3.0.0 pre 1: Seems to work well.

In the Entity Inspector, when the "classname" spawnarg line is selected, the copy area underneath (two lines, which are ordinarily editable) is grayed out and uneditable.

If you then select a different object, while the copy area (now editable) still contains "classname" and associated value, it will not paste into the classname field.

Related Changesets

DarkRadiant: master 2582605d

03.04.2022 13:07


Details Diff
0005910: Disallow manual editing of the classname entity key value Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.h Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
01.03.2022 14:39 greebo New Issue
01.03.2022 14:39 greebo Relationship added related to 0005822
01.03.2022 14:39 greebo Status new => acknowledged
01.03.2022 14:39 greebo Reporter greebo => Dragofer
03.04.2022 13:07 greebo Assigned To => greebo
03.04.2022 13:07 greebo Status acknowledged => assigned
03.04.2022 13:07 greebo Target Version => 3.0.0
03.04.2022 13:08 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 2582605d
03.04.2022 13:08 greebo Status assigned => resolved
03.04.2022 13:08 greebo Resolution open => fixed
03.04.2022 13:08 greebo Fixed in Version => 3.0.0
03.04.2022 20:24 Geep Note Added: 0014795
28.10.2022 05:52 greebo Status resolved => closed