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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005915The Dark ModDistributionpublic05.12.2023 01:47
Reporterstgatilov Assigned Tostgatilov  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionTDM 2.10 
Target VersionTDM 2.12Fixed in VersionTDM 2.12 
Summary0005915: Investigate storing uncompressed FMs in SVN
DescriptionWe should try to store FMs in SVN as uncompressed directories, since storing zips in SVN causes many problems.
The main questions are total size of SVN repo and SVN working copy...
Additional InformationSee post here:
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Attached Files
image.png (21,294 bytes)   
image.png (21,294 bytes)   


related to 0004726 resolvednbohr1more Check I18N links on Mission web pages 




26.10.2023 20:13

administrator   ~0016149

Missions SVN with uncompressed missions is live!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
07.03.2022 16:09 stgatilov New Issue
07.03.2022 16:09 stgatilov Status new => assigned
07.03.2022 16:09 stgatilov Assigned To => stgatilov
07.03.2022 16:09 stgatilov File Added: image.png
15.11.2022 03:08 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0004726
15.11.2022 03:10 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.11 => TDM 2.12
26.10.2023 20:13 stgatilov Status assigned => feedback
26.10.2023 20:13 stgatilov Note Added: 0016149
05.12.2023 01:47 nbohr1more Status feedback => resolved
05.12.2023 01:47 nbohr1more Resolution open => fixed
05.12.2023 01:47 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => TDM 2.12