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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006481The Dark ModModelspublic07.01.2025 21:28
Reporternbohr1more Assigned Tonbohr1more  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformAllOSAllOS VersionAll
Product VersionTDM 2.03 
Target VersionTDM 2.13Fixed in VersionTDM 2.13 
Summary0006481: Add HMart's new Hedge model or other reduced-poly Hedge models to the core

HMart made a lower polygon version of BHM's Hedge model from 2.03 for ddaazzaa's mission "Blackgrove Manor"

We should offer this as an option as well.
Tagslod, low-poly, performance


related to 0005598 resolvedcabalistic Performance regression on hedge01_square_long 




08.02.2024 00:57

reporter   ~0016487

This has been on my list of todo's for a long, long time, mainly because the of the various issues with all the current hedge models.

I will get to this in dure course.


08.02.2024 02:12

developer   ~0016488

hedge01_square_long.lwo (171,340 bytes)


20.02.2024 04:03

developer   ~0016537

Added as "hedge01_square_long_alt.lwo" at revision 16978

Let me know if we need to add it to a skin def or to a LOD def.


20.02.2024 09:01

reporter   ~0016538

I still need to build and then iterate the model at this point.


22.02.2024 06:02

developer   ~0016542

Since there is a larger project brewing for this, I am moving this ticket to 2.13


23.03.2024 09:50

reporter   ~0016583

So I have tried coming at this a number of ways, and none of them result in a cohesive looking hedge.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more New Issue
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more Status new => assigned
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more Assigned To => nbohr1more
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more Tag Attached: lod
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more Tag Attached: low-poly
07.02.2024 23:57 nbohr1more Relationship added related to 0005598
08.02.2024 00:02 nbohr1more Tag Attached: performance
08.02.2024 00:57 Bikerdude Steps to Reproduce Updated
08.02.2024 00:57 Bikerdude Steps to Reproduce Updated
08.02.2024 00:57 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016487
08.02.2024 02:12 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016488
08.02.2024 02:12 nbohr1more File Added: hedge01_square_long.lwo
20.02.2024 04:03 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016537
20.02.2024 04:03 nbohr1more Status assigned => feedback
20.02.2024 09:01 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016538
22.02.2024 06:02 nbohr1more Note Added: 0016542
22.02.2024 06:02 nbohr1more Target Version TDM 2.12 => TDM 2.13
23.03.2024 09:50 Bikerdude Note Added: 0016583
07.01.2025 21:28 nbohr1more Status feedback => resolved
07.01.2025 21:28 nbohr1more Resolution open => fixed
07.01.2025 21:28 nbohr1more Fixed in Version => TDM 2.13