Changesets: DarkRadiant

master fe197043

29.01.2021 05:45


Details Diff
0005511: Avoid the search box blocking the found item Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeView.cpp Diff File

master 7697e59f

29.01.2021 04:24


Details Diff
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/orbweaver/master'
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File
add - plugins/dm.conversation/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - radiant/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.cpp Diff File

master 8024e813

29.01.2021 04:02


Details Diff
0005508: Fix crash in Linux due to stale wxDataViewItems kept by the wxDataViewCtrl implementation Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/ResourceTreeView.cpp Diff File

master ff596aca

28.01.2021 21:26


Details Diff
Add test for cloning an entity and its spawnargs

scene::Cloneable interface moved up one level, from EntityNode to IEntityNode,
so it can be accessed from outside the radiantcore module.
mod - include/ientity.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityNode.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 29dc4e5e

28.01.2021 20:22


Details Diff
Entity::getKeyValuePairs() is no longer a virtual method

This utility method is now implemented on Entity itself as a wrapper around the
virtual forEachKeyValue() method.
mod - include/ientity.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 8272a95c

28.01.2021 17:22


Details Diff
0005506: Fix the endless loop triggered by the ScrollEventPropagationFilter Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dialog/ScrollEventPropagationFilter.h Diff File

master 82fa3af5

27.01.2021 20:19


Details Diff
Add an 'includeInherited' flag to Entity::forEachKeyValue()

If this new flag is set, the enumeration will include all spawnargs inherited
from the entitydef rather than just the spawnargs set on this particular
mod - include/ientity.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/Doom3EntityClass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 9db58090

26.01.2021 20:49


Details Diff
Add test for entity spawnarg enumeration

Test the forEachKeyValue() and forEachEntityKeyValue() methods with default
spawnargs and some additional spawnargs added with setKeyValue().
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 2d787b56

26.01.2021 03:22


Details Diff
0005506: Fix linux compilation Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesUserInterfaceModule.cpp Diff File

master 9e64adc4

25.01.2021 21:08


Details Diff
Add failing test for creating an attached light entity

Test successfully confirms that the relevant spawnargs are present, but fails
because these are not yet parsed into results which can be obtained by
forEachAttachment(). This test will therefore serve as the first milestone for
getting this parsing working.
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 9727ecf9

25.01.2021 20:48


Details Diff
Test creating a basic light entity

Create an entity of the "light" class and confirm it has sensible initial
values for the "name" and "classname" spawnargs. Also confirm that this entity
does not have any attachments (but the forEachAttachment method does not crash
or otherwise misbehave).
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master 61dd80d5

25.01.2021 20:22


Details Diff
Further testing of light inheritance in EntityTest

Check that entities which derive from light (directly or through multiple
levels) all have isLight() set correctly, but torch_brazier is not considered a
light (it is a func_static with a light attached).
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File
mod - test/resources/tdm/def/lights.def Diff File
add - test/resources/tdm/def/lights_static.def Diff File

master 2ade07c3

25.01.2021 17:32


Details Diff
0005507: Fix objectives editor freezing up in large maps, when editing "Name of single entity" specifiers. Affected Issues
mod - plugins/dm.objectives/ce/specpanel/EntityNameSpecifierPanel.cpp Diff File

master f4e9d488

25.01.2021 05:49


Details Diff
0005506: Rearrange the FavouritesBrowser. Addition to the group dialog is performed by the module initialisation code, the FavouritesBrowser itself is now deriving from wxPanel. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.h Diff File
add - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesUserInterfaceModule.cpp Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiant.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiant.vcxproj.filters Diff File

master 52960b4d

25.01.2021 04:20


Details Diff
0005455: Tweak view position Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/common/MapPreview.cpp Diff File

master 2625f295

24.01.2021 21:31


Details Diff
Add initial test suite for entity/entityclass

So far this is a really trivial test; all it checks is that we can lookup the
"light" entity class and confirm that it is indeed a light.
mod - test/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

master e09b3c8d

24.01.2021 20:02


Details Diff
De-duplicate replace_all and replace_all_copy

Avoid a duplicated function body by having replace_all_copy simply call
replace_all on a local copy of the string and then return it.
mod - libs/string/replace.h Diff File

master 6b7edd3a

24.01.2021 17:53


Details Diff
0005127: Implement the "Apply Sound to Selection" algorithm Affected Issues
mod - libs/entitylib.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.h Diff File

master 790c29d6

24.01.2021 17:23


Details Diff
0005127: Add context menu option to apply the sound shader to selected entities (WIP) Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.h Diff File

master f19486d1

24.01.2021 16:32


Details Diff
0005127: Add "Create Speaker" context menu options to favourites browser Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.h Diff File

master 4518031e

24.01.2021 16:28


Details Diff
0005127: Move the algorithm to create a speaker to the core module, add corresponding "CreateSpeaker" command. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/ortho/OrthoContextMenu.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/EntityModule.cpp Diff File
add - radiantcore/entity/algorithm/Speaker.h Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/DarkRadiantCore.vcxproj.filters Diff File

master 3a2cf88c

24.01.2021 14:09


Details Diff
Move attachment information from IEntityClass to Entity

Attachments are per-entity, not per-entity class (they could even be defined
manually via spawnargs on a single entity), so this information needs to be on
the Entity/SpawnArgs objects.
mod - include/ieclass.h Diff File
mod - include/ientity.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/Doom3EntityClass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/Doom3EntityClass.h Diff File
add - radiantcore/entity/AttachmentData.cpp Diff File
add - radiantcore/entity/AttachmentData.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/entity/SpawnArgs.h Diff File

master f8ce09db

24.01.2021 11:38


Details Diff
0005127: Double-clicking a favourite entity class will attempt to create it. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/favourites/FavouritesBrowser.h Diff File

master ab441424

24.01.2021 05:07


Details Diff
Fix linux build
mod - radiantcore/map/Map.cpp Diff File

master b0e44f30

24.01.2021 04:57


Details Diff
0005455: Adjust grid center to be located at the scene's origin Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/preview/RenderPreview.cpp Diff File
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