Changesets: DarkRadiant

master ce599a9a

30.12.2022 07:05


Details Diff
0006189: Add another unit test checking that the material description is cleared before reparsing it Affected Issues
mod - test/Materials.cpp Diff File

master b6411c27

30.12.2022 06:57


Details Diff
0006189: Add first unit test checking the root cause Affected Issues
mod - test/DeclManager.cpp Diff File

master ca2c5e14

26.12.2022 18:52


Details Diff
0006199: ModelSelector actively connects the MaterialsList toggle event to the scene::INode in the ModelPreview to trigger a refresh of its renderable geometry Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/modelselector/ModelSelector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/modelselector/ModelSelector.h Diff File

master 87b521ff

26.12.2022 17:23


Details Diff
Fix material editor test model not rotating
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialPreview.cpp Diff File

master cb8cf727

26.12.2022 16:52


Details Diff
0006195: Fix crash when trying to apply an anim to the null model Affected Issues
mod - libs/entitylib.h Diff File

API b87f4a61

26.12.2022 11:49


Details Diff
Use the Github API token if available
mod - .github/workflows/build.yml Diff File
mod - tools/scripts/download_windeps.ps1 Diff File

master ddb4f561

26.12.2022 11:49


Details Diff
Use the Github API token if available
mod - .github/workflows/build.yml Diff File
mod - tools/scripts/download_windeps.ps1 Diff File

master d0af9d28

26.12.2022 09:07


Details Diff
0006178: Loading bitmaps through wxBitmap::LoadFile is not working in Windows, it's always sticking to the BMP handler it seems. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.cpp Diff File

master 51c3bd61

26.12.2022 05:33


Details Diff
0006178: Update VC++ project Affected Issues
mod - tools/msvc/wxutillib.vcxproj Diff File
mod - tools/msvc/wxutillib.vcxproj.filters Diff File

master 104c760a

26.12.2022 05:22


Details Diff
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/orbweaver/master'
mod - debian/changelog Diff File
mod - debian/control Diff File
mod - install/bitmaps/cmenu_add_prefab.png Diff File
mod - libs/render/View.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/Bitmap.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/ConsoleView.h Diff File
rm - libs/wxutil/LocalBitmapArtProvider.h Diff
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/ThreadedDeclarationTreePopulator.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/VFSTreePopulator.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/fsview/Populator.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/dm.difficulty/DifficultySettings.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/AddPropertyDialog.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/entitylist/GraphTreeModel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/layers/LayerControlPanel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/MaterialPopulator.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/modelselector/ModelDataInserter.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/prefabselector/PrefabSelector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/prefabselector/PrefabSelector.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/skin/SkinEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowserPanel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureThumbnailBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureThumbnailBrowser.h Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/GlobalXYWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.h Diff File

master f3f3f9d3

20.12.2022 20:49


Details Diff
0006187: convert numbers to strings in TreeModel::SetValue()

Previously this code was in ItemValueProxy::operator[], which performed
the conversion (if required) then called SetValue(). Moving the code
into SetValue() itself is safer in case code calls SetValue() directly
without going through an ItemValueProxy.
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.h Diff File

master a9a107ad

14.12.2022 20:32


Details Diff
0006187: simplify and increase contrast of prefab "house" icon Affected Issues
mod - install/bitmaps/cmenu_add_prefab.png Diff File

master 28418c41

14.12.2022 20:04


Details Diff
0006187: fix missing folder icons in Prefab Chooser

Code was looking for a file called "folder.png" which doesn't exist (we
only have a "folder16.png").
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/fsview/Populator.cpp Diff File

master f62241a3

13.12.2022 21:22


Details Diff
0006187: de-overloaded TreeModel::AddItem() Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/ThreadedDeclarationTreePopulator.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.cpp Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.h Diff File
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/VFSTreePopulator.cpp Diff File
mod - plugins/dm.difficulty/DifficultySettings.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/AddPropertyDialog.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/entitylist/GraphTreeModel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/layers/LayerControlPanel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/MaterialPopulator.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/modelselector/ModelDataInserter.h Diff File

master 72ec80fa

13.12.2022 21:12


Details Diff
0006187: fix "Wrong type" error dialogs in Prefab Chooser on Linux

The GTK treeview cell renderers do not support tree model cells
returning no data (or data of the wrong type), and show this "Wrong
type" dialog as a consequence. This was a problem in the Prefab Chooser
because certain rows do not contain the full range of data (e.g. the
root node and folder nodes do not have a "size" value).

(Note that there was never any problem with entire columns not being
displayed, or with hidden columns missing data. But if a column is
displayed and has a cell renderer attached, that cell renderer expects
to receive valid data for every row).

The implementation of TreeModel::GetValue() is now updated to return a
default wxVariant in the case of model nodes which do not contain an
explicit value for the requested column. For string and numeric column
types (which are all rendered as string data), this is just an empty
wxString(), so there is no visible change in the GUI.
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/dataview/TreeModel.cpp Diff File

master 465e0c54

07.12.2022 20:40


Details Diff
0006187: direct wxWidgets log messages to stderr on Linux

The default behaviour of popping up a series of modal dialog boxes is
possibly the most unhelpful way of showing errors imaginable. On Linux
we now use wxLogStderr to direct these log messages to stderr.

On Windows the behaviour is left as-is because stderr isn't usually
accessible; the ideal solution might be to direct the log messages to
the in-application Console window but this would require a custom wxLog
Affected Issues
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.cpp Diff File

master 19f9c1ea

07.12.2022 20:36


Details Diff
0006187: use inline default initialisation for PrefabSelector members Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/prefabselector/PrefabSelector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/prefabselector/PrefabSelector.h Diff File

master 5363c1c2

30.11.2022 20:34


Details Diff
0006178: ArtProvider is now local to RadiantApp class

LocalBitmapArtProvider was only ever constructed and owned by
RadiantApp; the reason it was exposed as a wxutil header was for the
ArtIdPrefix() method, which was used in a single other header

LocalBitmapArtProvider is now RadiantApp::ArtProvider, a local nested
class which is not exposed anywhere else. The functions in Bitmap.h just
use the "darkradiant:" prefix explicitly, which could be seen as
duplication but (1) the prefix is very unlikely to change, and (2) the
redundancy isn't serious enough to justify exposing the art provider
class and its method(s) through several headers and their dependent
shared objects.

Also removed the LocalBitmapArtProvider destructor which explicitly
removed the art provider from wxWidgets. This appeared to be redundant
because the wxArtProvider base class already does this in its own
destructor (according to documentation).
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/Bitmap.h Diff File
rm - libs/wxutil/LocalBitmapArtProvider.h Diff
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/RadiantApp.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/materials/editor/MaterialEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/skin/SkinEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/GlobalXYWnd.cpp Diff File

master dc63b7c4

29.11.2022 21:11


Details Diff
0006178: fix potentially uninitialised matrices in XYWnd

This seems to be the last of the Valgrind warnings that appear before
the main window is shown, other than those which appear in third-party
code (e.g. wxWidgets) and probably aren't fixable on our side.
Affected Issues
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/xyview/XYWnd.h Diff File

master c8fe8ce0

29.11.2022 21:01


Details Diff
0006178: fix a couple more uninitialised values Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/ConsoleView.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureThumbnailBrowser.h Diff File

master 59ec3282

29.11.2022 20:32


Details Diff
0006178: avoid potential use of initialised size vector in TextureThumbnailBrowser

Valgrind flagged up a possible "jump based on uninitialised value",
which appeared to be caused by the _viewportSize vector in
TextureThumbnailBrowser. This vector was left uninitialised at
construction, and subsequently set to a real value after receiving a
wxEVT_SIZE event, which is not guaranteed to happen.

The _viewportSize value is now an std::optional which is initialised on
demand when the getViewportSize() private method is called (as well as
being updated by the wxEVT_SIZE event as before).
Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureBrowserPanel.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureThumbnailBrowser.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/texturebrowser/TextureThumbnailBrowser.h Diff File

master 751cd7ad

23.11.2022 21:21


Details Diff
0006178: LocalBitmapArtProvider uses wxBitmap::LoadFile()

The previous approach of constructing a wxBitmap from a temporary
wxImage was leading to an uninitialised data warning in Valgrind,
although it does not seem to be related to the assertion on shutdown
(which still appears after this change).
Affected Issues
mod - libs/wxutil/LocalBitmapArtProvider.h Diff File

master da8002c3

23.11.2022 20:52


Details Diff
0006178: DEBUG_CULLING is disabled by default

This is triggering a lot of uninitialised value errors in Valgrind (of
uncertain cause), and is unlikely to be useful for development tasks
that don't specifically relate to culling.
Affected Issues
mod - libs/render/View.h Diff File

master 99a57a22

23.11.2022 08:48


Details Diff
Increase VCS status timeout to 5 seconds, it can be expensive to check the map status using the git index
mod - plugins/vcs/ui/VcsStatus.cpp Diff File

master d9145c30

22.11.2022 22:57


Committer: GitHub

Details Diff
Bump version in metainfo
mod - install/net.darkradiant.DarkRadiant.metainfo.xml Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 30 ... 60 ... 90 ... 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 261 262 263  Next  Last