View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005813DarkRadiantGUIpublic19.08.2022 15:33
ReporterDragofer Assigned Togreebo  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.13.0 
Target Version2.14.0Fixed in Version2.14.0 
Summary0005813: Spawnarg types and tooltips not reliably inherited in entityDefs
DescriptionWhen writing an entityDef in a .def file, it's possible to specify the type of a spawnarg, for example:
"editor_color color_sweeping" "Color of the camera's spotlight & lens when it has not recently seen something suspicious, default green."

This has the following purpose:
1) display a small icon representing what type of spawnarg this is in the entity inspector.
2) display a tooltip in the entity inspector when the "Show help" box is checked.
3) if applicable, provide a "Choose..." button to help set a value for the spawnarg.

However, it seems that there's a problem when entities inherit these spawnargs from other entities. In that case, there are the following problems with the inheriting entity:
1) spawnargs are always shown as having the "editor_var" type ("T" icon) instead of what was specified in the entityDef.
2) tooltips are only shown for some spawnargs. I've not been able to discern a pattern here.
3) no "Choose..." buttons are offered for these spawnargs.

Spawnargs that are automatically identified based on their prefix, such as skin, skin_lit and skin_unlit, do show the correct icon and offer an appropriate "Choose..." button.
Steps To ReproduceAttached is the latest SVN version of the func_securitycamera and atdm:security_camera01 entityDefs, isolated in a .txt file. The latter inherits from the former.

1) Create entity > func_securitycamera.
2) Create entity > atdm:security_camera01.

3) Select the func_securitycamera entity. In the entity inspector, enable "Show inherited properties" and "Show help".
4) Key through the spawnarg list. Almost all spawnargs have tooltips and quite a few (like "color_alerted") have appropriate "Choose..." buttons, as intended.
5) Click on "color_alerted" and click on the checkbox next to the spawnarg field to apply this spawnarg to the entity. Disable "Show inherited properties" to help see that the "color_alerted" spawnarg has the correct type icon (4 coloured squares), then re-enable it again.

6) Deselect func_securitycamera and select atdm:security_camera01.
7) Key through the spawnarg list. Some spawnargs no longer have tooltips (such as "color_alerted" or "follow_constrain_ccw") and none of the spawnargs that were manually identified in the entityDef (such as "color_alerted") have "Choose..." buttons.
8) Click on "color_alerted" and click on the checkbox next to the spawnarg field to apply this spawnarg to the entity. Disable "Show inherited properties" to help see that the "color_alerted" spawnarg is displayed with the editor_var icon ("T" symbol) instead of the colour icon.
Additional InformationTested in DR 2.13 and DR 2.14pre1.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
sec_cam.txt (14,715 bytes)   
// grayman #4615 - redesigned for 2.06
// Dragofer #5528 - developed for 2.10

entityDef func_securitycamera
	"inherit" 				"atdm:entity_base"
	"editor_color"				"1 .5 .3"
	"editor_mins"				"-4 -4 -4"
	"editor_maxs"				"4 4 4"
	"editor_rotatable"			"1"

	"editor_displayFolder"			"Func"
	"editor_usage"				"Don't use, base class for security cameras. See AI/Machines/Security Camera for properly useable entities."
	"editor_bool legacy"			"Don't use, this designates an old version of the security camera. Affects how some spawnargs are processed."

	"editor_bool rotate"			"1 = camera rotates back and forth, 0 = camera remains stationary."
	"editor_int sweepAngle"			"The amount of horizontal sweep."
	"editor_float sweepSpeed"		"Horizontal rotation speed in degrees per second. If 'legacy' = 1, this instead defines the time in seconds taken to perform one sweep."
	"editor_float sweepWait"		"Length of the pause at the end of a sweep before reversing direction."

	"editor_bool follow"			"Let the camera track the player horizontally. This will make it harder to escape its view."
	"editor_int follow_tolerance"		"How far in degrees the player has to move before the camera readjusts its rotation, horizontally."
	"editor_float follow_speed_mult" 	"Speed up horizontal movements by this multiplier when the camera is following the player."

	"editor_bool follow_incline"		"The camera will also track the player vertically."
	"editor_int follow_incline_tolerance"	"How far in degrees the player has to move before the camera readjusts its rotation, vertically."
	"editor_int follow_incline_speed"	"Speed of vertical movements to track the player. Not affected by 'follow_speed_mult'."

	"editor_int follow_constrain_up"	"Limit how far the camera can turn upwards from its starting position when following the player. Set to 90 for no limit."
	"editor_int follow_constrain_down"	"Limit how far the camera can turn downwards from its starting position when following the player. Set to 90 for no limit."
	"editor_int follow_constrain_cw"	"Limit how far the camera can turn clockwise beyond its clockwise position when following the player. Set to 180 for no limit."
	"editor_int follow_constrain_ccw"	"Limit how far the camera can turn counter-clockwise beyond its counterclockwise position when following the player. Set to 180 for no limit."

	"editor_int scanDist"			"How far the camera can see the player."
	"editor_int scanFov"			"Camera's field of view."
	"editor_bool seePlayer"			"1 = camera reacts to the player, 0 = camera ignores the player."
	"editor_float sight_threshold"		"From 0.0 to 1.0, how lit up the player's lightgem has to be for the camera to see him."

	"editor_float sightTime"		"Time taken to become fully alerted by the player and trigger the alarm."
	"editor_float sightResume"		"The camera will wait this amount of time before resuming its regular sweep if it saw the player but didn't become fully alerted."
	"editor_float alarm_duration"		"Minimum duration of the fully alert state. Will be extended by half if the player is in view or was recently seen."
	"editor_float alarm_interval"		"Time between alarm sounds when fully alerted."
	"editor_float wait"			"Don't use, use 'alarm_duration' instead."
	"editor_bool trigger_alarm_start"	"Trigger targets when an alarm begins."
	"editor_bool trigger_alarm_end"		"Trigger targets when an alarm ends."

	"editor_bool start_off"			"Camera starts powered off."
	"editor_int modelAxis"			"0, 1 or 2 based on which axis the source model was built on."
	"editor_bool flipAxis"			"Set to 1 to flip the model axis of the cam."
	"editor_vector viewOffset"		"Offset at which the camera's 'eye' is placed. Should be outside the visual model so it doesn't block its own view."
	"editor_vector lightOffset"		"Offset at which the camera's spotlight is placed. Should be outside the visual model so it doesn't block its own spotlight."

	"editor_bool spotLight"			"Toggle to enable or disable a spotlight for the camera. You can specify an existing spotlight with a 'spotlight_custom' spawnarg. Otherwise a spotlight will be spawned."
	"editor_var spotlight_custom"		"Specify an existing light entity as the spotlight, rather than letting the security camera spawn one. Requires 'spotLight' to be set to '1', other spotlight spawnargs will be ignored."
	"editor_texture spotlight_texture"	"Texture projected by the spawned spotlight. You should use a texture designed for projected lights: one that uses a gradient as its falloff image. This ensures that light intensity gradually fades to black, rather than abruptly."
	"editor_int spotlight_range"		"Maximum reach of the spawned spotlight."
	"editor_int spotlight_diameter"		"Diameter of the spawned spotlight's projection. If 0, will automatically be calculated to match spotlight_range and scanFov, for scanFov up to 90°. Formula: spotlight_diameter = 2 * spotlight_range * tan(scanFov / 2)."

	"editor_bool useColors"			"Toggle to disable color changes of the camera's spotlight & lens depending on alert state."
	"editor_color color_sweeping"		"Color of the camera's spotlight & lens when it has not recently seen something suspicious, default green."
	"editor_color color_sighted"		"Color of the camera's spotlight & lens when it has seen something suspicious, default yellow."
	"editor_color color_alerted"		"Color of the camera's spotlight & lens when it has confirmed an intruder, default red."

	"editor_int health"			"Health of the security camera. Setting to 0 will make it invicible."
	"editor_var break_up_script"		"This script is called if the camera is destroyed."
	"editor_var break_up_target"		"This entity is triggered if the camera is destroyed."
	"editor_bool notice_destroyed"		"Whether AIs notice that the security camera has been destroyed (enables the visual stim)."
	"editor_model broken"			"Switch to this model when the security camera is broken."
	"editor_model broken_flinderized"	"Switch to this model when the security camera is broken and flinderized (fragmented). Set the flinderize threshold with 'damage_flinderize'. If no model is set here, will use 'broken' instead."

	"editor_int damage_flinderize"		"Attacks dealing at least this amount of damage can turn the security camera into fragments upon or after destruction. Set to 0 to disable."
	"editor_int damage_blackjack"		"Damage taken from blackjack attacks. Default damage: 0"
	"editor_int damage_splash_falloff"	"Splash damage will decay exponentially by this number, increase this to make splash damage decrease faster with distance."
	"editor_float damage_mult_sword"	"Damage multiplier for sword attacks. Default damage: 42"
	"editor_float damage_mult_arrow"	"Damage multiplier for broadheads and rope arrows. Default damage: 35"
	"editor_float damage_mult_firearrow_direct" "Damage multiplier for fire arrow and mine direct hits. Fire arrows and mines deal either direct damage or splash damage. Default damage: 400"
	"editor_float damage_mult_firearrow_splash" "Damage multiplier for fire arrow and mine splash damage. Fire arrows and mines deal either direct damage or splash damage. Default maximal damage: 30"
	"editor_float damage_mult_moveable"	"Damage multiplier for all moveables. Significant mass and velocity are needed to do significant damage. Default maximal damage: mass divided by 5"
	"editor_float damage_mult_other"	"Damage multiplier for anything else. You can create individual damage_ spawnargs by naming the damage def, i.e. 'damage_mult_atdm:damage_rock' '1.0', or the inflicting entity, i.e. 'damage_atdm:attachment_melee_shortsword' '1.0'"

	"editor_var fx_damage"			"Fx to play whenever the camera is damaged while power is on."
	"editor_var fx_damage_nopower"		"Fx to play whenever the camera is damaged while power is off."
	"editor_var fx_destroyed"		"Fx to play whenever the camera is destroyed while power is on."
	"editor_var fx_destroyed_nopower"	"Fx to play whenever the camera is destroyed while power is off."

	"editor_snd snd_sight"			"Sound emitted when the camera notices the player."
	"editor_snd snd_moving"			"Sound emitted when the camera is rotating."
	"editor_snd snd_stationary"		"Sound emitted by a stationary type of camera."
	"editor_snd snd_alert"			"Alarm sound emitted when fully alerted."
	"editor_snd snd_end"			"Sound emitted when the camera is about to reach the end point of a sweep."
	"editor_snd snd_death"			"Sound emitted when the camera is destroyed while power is on. Additional to 'fx_destroyed'."
	"editor_snd snd_death_nopower"		"Alternative death sound if camera is destroyed while power is off. Additional to 'fx_destroyed_nopower'."
	"editor_snd snd_sparks"			"Sound emitted when the camera emits sparks after it was destroyed."
	"editor_var sprS_alert"			"How far snd_alert propagates to AIs."

	"editor_var cameraTarget"		"Obsolete, 'cameraTarget' no longer needs to be set on security cameras since it can now be set directly on the display screen for all entity types."
	"editor_int cameraFovX"			"Display screens showing the camera's view will have this field of view in X. If not set, scanFov will be used instead."
	"editor_int cameraFovY"			"Display screens showing the camera's view will have this field of view in Y. If not set, scanFov will be used instead."

	"editor_bool sparks"			"1 = When the camera is destroyed, spawn a post-destruction particle func_emitter and play snd_sparks."
	"editor_model sparks_particle"		"Particle that is spawned upon destruction."
	"editor_var sparks_delay"		"Delay the initial appearance of the particle emitter after the camera is destroyed."
	"editor_bool sparks_power_dependent"	"Only show the particle if power to the camera is switched on."
	"editor_float sparks_interval"		"For non-looping particles, minimum time between each trigger of the particle emitter + snd_sparks."
	"editor_float sparks_interval_rand"	"For non-looping particles, additional random factor added to the time between each trigger of the particle + snd_sparks."

	"editor_skin skin"			"Only for in-editor display."
	"editor_skin skin_on"			"Skin used when on."
	"editor_skin skin_on_spotlight_off"	"For models with inbuilt lamps and/or light rays. Used when the security camera is on but its spotlight was toggled off via a button (see AI/Machines prefabs) or script."
	"editor_skin skin_off"			"Skin used when off."
	"editor_skin skin_broken"		"Switch to this skin when broken."
	"editor_skin skin_flinderized"		"Switch to this skin when broken & flinderized. If no skin is set here, will use 'skin_broken' instead."

	"spawnclass"			"idSecurityCamera"
	"scriptobject"			"tdm_security_camera"
	"legacy"			"1"

	"model"				"models/darkmod/mechanical/security_camera.ase"
	"clipmodel"			"models/darkmod/misc/clipmodels/security_camera_cm.lwo"
	"broken"			"models/darkmod/mechanical/security_camera_broken.ase"
	"broken_flinderized"		"-"

	"start_off"			"0"	// camera starts powered on
	"rotate"			"1"
	"seePlayer"			"1"
	"sweepAngle"			"90"
	"sweepSpeed"			"5"
	"sight_threshold"		"0.1"
	"scanFov"			"90"
	"scanDist"			"200"
	"sightTime"			"5"
	"sightResume"			"1.5"
	"sweepWait"			"0.5"
	"lightOffset"			"6 0 8"
	"viewOffset"			"8 0 0"
	"useColors"			"1"

	"alarm_duration"		"20"
	"alarm_interval"		"5"
	"trigger_alarm_start"		"1"
	"trigger_alarm_end"		"0"

	"follow"			"0"
	"follow_tolerance"		"15"
	"follow_speed_mult" 		"2.5"

	"follow_incline"		"0"
	"follow_incline_tolerance"	"10"
	"follow_incline_speed"		"20"

	"follow_constrain_up"		"90"
	"follow_constrain_down"		"90"
	"follow_constrain_cw"		"180"
	"follow_constrain_ccw"		"180"

	"color_sweeping"		"0.3 0.7 0.4"
	"color_sighted"			"0.7 0.7 0.3"
	"color_alerted"			"0.7 0.3 0.3"

	"health"			"100"
	"break_up_script"		"-"
	"break_up_target"		"-"
	"notice_destroyed"		"1"

	"damage_flinderize"		"90"
	"damage_blackjack"		"0"
	"damage_splash_falloff"		"3"
	"damage_mult_sword"		"0.0"
	"damage_mult_arrow"		"0.0"
	"damage_mult_firearrow_direct"	"1.0"
	"damage_mult_firearrow_splash"	"3.5"
	"damage_mult_moveable"		"0.0"
	"damage_mult_other"		"0.0"

	"fx_damage"			"fx/metaldamage_small_sparks"
	"fx_damage_nopower"		"fx/metaldamage_small"
	"fx_destroyed"			"fx/metaldamage_sparks"
	"fx_destroyed_nopower"		"fx/metaldamage"

	"skin_on"			"security_camera_on"
	"skin_off"			"security_camera_off"
	"skin_on_spotlight_off"		"security_camera_on_spotlight_off"
	"skin_broken"			"security_camera_off"
	"skin_flinderized"		"-"

	"spotLight"			"0"
	"spotlight_custom"		"-"
	"spotlight_texture"		"lights/biground1"
	"spotlight_range"		"0"
	"spotlight_diameter"		"0"

	"snd_sight"			"security_camera_sight"
	"snd_moving"			"security_camera_moving"
	"snd_stationary"		"security_camera_stationary"
	"snd_alert"			"security_camera_alert"
	"snd_end"			"security_camera_end"
	"snd_death"			"sizzle"
	"snd_death_nopower"		"silence"
	"snd_sparks"			"security_camera_spark"
	"sprS_alert"			"alarm_mild" // Propagated alarm sound

	"sparks"			"1"
	"sparks_particle"		"sparks_wires_oneshot.prt"
	"sparks_delay"			"3"
	"sparks_power_dependent"	"1"
	"sparks_interval"		"3"
	"sparks_interval_rand"		"2"

	//visual stim: enabled when camera is destroyed
	"sr_class_1"			"S"
	"sr_time_interval_1"		"977"
	"sr_type_1"			"STIM_VISUAL"
	"sr_state_1"			"0"
	"sr_radius_1"			"500"


entityDef atdm:security_camera01
	"inherit"			"func_securitycamera"
	"legacy"			""
	"editor_displayFolder"		"AI/Machines/Security Camera"
	"editor_usage"			"Immobile sentry that watches for the player."
	"editor_usage1"			"Can sound an alarm, illuminate an area with a spotlight and track the player's movements horizontally."
	"editor_usage2"			"Sweeps back and forth over 'sweepAngle' degrees unless 'rotate' is set to 0. Start direction is clockwise."
	"editor_usage3"			"Only vulnerable to fire arrows by default. Can be switched on/off by triggering it from a button or lever."
	"editor_usage4"			"Designed to be mounted on a func_static wall/ceiling mount."

	"model"				"models/darkmod/mechanical/security_camera.ase"
	"broken"			"models/darkmod/mechanical/security_camera_broken.ase"
	"nonsolid"			""
	"lightOffset"			"6 0 0"
	"viewOffset"			"12 0 0"

	"sweepSpeed"			"15"
	"follow"			"1"

	"skin_on"			"security_camera01_on"
	"skin_off"			"security_camera01_off"
	"skin_on_spotlight_off"		"security_camera01_on_spotlight_off"
	"skin_broken"			"security_camera01_broken"

	"scanFov"			"60"
	"scanDist"			"450"
	"sightTime"			"2.5"
	"spotLight"			"1"
	"trigger_alarm_end"		"1"

	"color_sweeping"		"0.18 0.42 0.25"
	"color_sighted"			"0.42 0.40 0.18"
	"color_alerted"			"0.46 0.14 0.17"

	"spotlight_texture"		"lights/spotlight_security_camera"
	"spotlight_range"		"450"
	"spotlight_diameter"		"0"	//automatically calculated to match range & scanFov
sec_cam.txt (14,715 bytes)   


related to 0005613 closedgreebo Show shared keyvalues when multiple entities are selected 
related to 0005814 closedgreebo Spawnarg type icon not shown for inherited properties 
related to 0005817 closed 2.14pre1: "Choose x..." on inherited spawnargs deficient 




20.11.2021 17:28

administrator   ~0014553

I'm having difficulties reproducing your exact inheritance, since there is already a func_securitycamera in tdm_defs01.pk4/defs/func.def, so just placing this file somewhere will lead to entityDef redefinition warnings.

But I can at least confirm that 2.14 has difficulties resolving the "editor_color color_sweeping" helper key on the entityDef, it doesn't display any icon at all. This was lost during the recent EntityInspector overhaul, I have to look into getting this to work again.


20.11.2021 17:40

developer   ~0014554

Last edited: 20.11.2021 17:43

It's probably best if you use your TDM SVN install or a 2.10 dev build (except rev 9175), since both of the defs I attached are included in there. I only attached them to make it easier to see what's defined in each entityDef, it wasn't my intention that you should place those defs in your installation.

Related Changesets

DarkRadiant: master 51dddba0

21.11.2021 05:24


Details Diff
0005813: Refactoring to reduce the method size Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.h Diff File

DarkRadiant: master e11ba0ff

21.11.2021 05:38


Details Diff
0005813: Refactor EntityInspector::getPropertyParmsForKey. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

DarkRadiant: master f6e7145c

21.11.2021 07:40


Details Diff
0005813: Introduce EntityInspector::getPropertyTypeForKey Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.h Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 9359f164

21.11.2021 12:53


Details Diff
0005813: Implement the key type look up in the EntityInspector. Right now the type lookup is not respecting the entityDef inheritance properly. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.h Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 316bfda3

21.11.2021 13:36


Details Diff
0005813: Add new method IEntityClass::getAttributeType() which should be used to determine the key type, respecting the ancestor defs. Affected Issues
mod - include/ieclass.h Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File
add - test/resources/tdm/def/attribute_types.def Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 6d143d3b

21.11.2021 13:45


Details Diff
0005813: More test cases Affected Issues
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File
mod - test/resources/tdm/def/attribute_types.def Diff File

DarkRadiant: master e4a11d40

21.11.2021 13:56


Details Diff
0005813: Implement EntityClass::getAttributeType Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.cpp Diff File

DarkRadiant: master e3822ec2

21.11.2021 14:22


Details Diff
0005813: The default type of entity class attributes is empty now (has always been set to "text" before). As soon as a non-empty type is encountered in the same entity class, it will be used instead. Affected Issues
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 6d4157f8

21.11.2021 14:25


Details Diff
0005813: EntityInspector is using IEntityClass::getAttributeType() now, this fixes the problem of wrong icons being shown when the corresponding editor_ descriptor is defined on the base. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

DarkRadiant: master ac0dd4ba

21.11.2021 16:31


Details Diff
0005813: Entity key help text is now shown even or especially when the description is inherited Affected Issues
mod - include/ieclass.h Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.cpp Diff File
mod - radiantcore/eclass/EntityClass.h Diff File
mod - test/Entity.cpp Diff File
mod - test/resources/tdm/def/attribute_types.def Diff File

DarkRadiant: master 4b5e78ce

21.11.2021 16:44


Details Diff
0005813: EntityInspector is now displaying a property editor for keys with inherited descriptor. Affected Issues
mod - radiant/ui/einspector/EntityInspector.cpp Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
18.11.2021 16:47 Dragofer New Issue
18.11.2021 16:47 Dragofer File Added: sec_cam.txt
18.11.2021 16:52 Dragofer Description Updated
20.11.2021 16:42 greebo Status new => acknowledged
20.11.2021 17:28 greebo Status acknowledged => confirmed
20.11.2021 17:28 greebo Note Added: 0014553
20.11.2021 17:29 greebo Relationship added related to 0005613
20.11.2021 17:40 Dragofer Note Added: 0014554
20.11.2021 17:43 Dragofer Note Edited: 0014554
21.11.2021 15:52 greebo Relationship added related to 0005814
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 51dddba0
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master e11ba0ff
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master f6e7145c
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 9359f164
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 316bfda3
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 6d143d3b
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master e4a11d40
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master e3822ec2
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 6d4157f8
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Target Version => 2.14.0
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Assigned To => greebo
21.11.2021 16:13 greebo Status confirmed => assigned
21.11.2021 16:44 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master ac0dd4ba
21.11.2021 16:44 greebo Changeset attached => DarkRadiant master 4b5e78ce
21.11.2021 16:45 greebo Status assigned => resolved
21.11.2021 16:45 greebo Resolution open => fixed
21.11.2021 16:45 greebo Fixed in Version => 2.14.0
21.11.2021 16:46 greebo Relationship added related to 0005817
19.08.2022 15:33 greebo Status resolved => closed