Changesets: DarkRadiant

master d67af6d4

24.09.2019 21:34


Details Diff
Finish documenting options on the Orthoview preferences page
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master 6f96a065

18.09.2019 22:00


Details Diff
Document several more options on the Orthoview preferences page
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master a3de4b02

11.09.2019 22:05


Details Diff
Start documenting options on the Orthoview preferences page
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master ceb8e497

11.09.2019 21:51


Details Diff
Finish documenting the options on the Camera preferences page
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master 97d68c9c

03.09.2019 21:53


Details Diff
Update layout when camera window toolbar is hidden or shown

Although the actual visibility of the toolbars changes immediately, it seems
that WxWidgets doesn't automatically update the sizer layout afterwards, so
having hidden the toolbars we are left with just the grey background unless we
force a layout update manually.
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.cpp Diff File

master 7ea2eab8

27.08.2019 21:54


Details Diff
Avoid crashing if a user registry file is corrupted

Instead of throwing an uncaught exception during XMLRegistry module
initialisation, leading to program termination, we now catch exceptions in the
loadUserFileFromSettingsPath() method. This handles the case where a
user-modified settings file has become corrupted, as reported by several users
with bad filters.xml files.
mod - radiant/xmlregistry/XMLRegistry.cpp Diff File

master 900f9839

17.07.2019 22:16


Details Diff
Hide entire camera toolbar in response to preference

The preference to hide the camera toolbar was only hiding the first four icons
(related to render modes) while leaving other icons visible. This was because
the visible toolbar is actually composed of two wxWidgets toolbars: the
CamToolbar and the MiscToolbar. The new slot controls the visibility of both of
these items.
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/camera/CamWnd.h Diff File

master 9b0abb59

16.07.2019 22:06


Details Diff
Add initial documentation for Preferences/Settings page
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master a298c3d3

11.06.2019 22:02


Details Diff
Add documentation for manipulators and quick rotate/flip buttons
add - doc/img/brush_flipx.png Diff File
add - doc/img/brush_flipy.png Diff File
add - doc/img/brush_flipz.png Diff File
add - doc/img/brush_rotatex.png Diff File
add - doc/img/brush_rotatey.png Diff File
add - doc/img/brush_rotatez.png Diff File
add - doc/img/select_mouseresize.png Diff File
add - doc/img/select_mouserotate.png Diff File
add - doc/img/select_mousetranslate.png Diff File
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master b6091e38

04.06.2019 21:42


Details Diff
Add manual section on the Entity List
add - doc/img/EntityList.png Diff File
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master 1a4f6d90

29.05.2019 22:07


Details Diff
Add documentation for the filter editor dialog
add - doc/img/FilterEditor.png Diff File
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master d5de6618

29.05.2019 21:38


Details Diff
Set more comfortable initial column widths in Filter editor

The default wxWidgets width is too small and results in some columns being
smaller than their own header text. Unfortunately the autosizing behaviour (as
previously implemented) does not work well on GTK, because the column widths do
not update when contents change (e.g. selecting a different match type) and can
no longer be resized manually by the user.

A hard-coded default size will not work for everyone everywhere, but at least
the columns can be manually resized if necessary.
mod - radiant/ui/filterdialog/FilterEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/filterdialog/FilterEditor.h Diff File

master b04137e7

14.05.2019 22:38


Details Diff
Fix broken filter rule editor on Linux

Due to some combination of quirks with the GTK-based implementation of
wxWidgets, the custom filter rule editor was not working at all (edits were
visible in the GUI but not propagated to the filter object itself, and were
therefore reverted the next time the dialog was shown).

The FilterEditor is now simplified and using the standard wxDataViewListCtrl
widget which provides a basic list of items that can be displayed and edited;
previously it was using the custom TreeModel class which is overkill for this
situation (and possibly many other use cases in DarkRadiant).

Also removed a couple of other TreeModels and related classes which seemed to
be entirely unused.
mod - radiant/ui/filterdialog/FilterEditor.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/ui/filterdialog/FilterEditor.h Diff File

master fab8fb2e

01.05.2019 21:49


Details Diff
Add initial manual section on the Filter menu
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master ab61972e

24.04.2019 22:20


Details Diff
Add documentation of the new assets.lst functionality
mod - doc/manual.adoc Diff File
mod - doc/manual.html Diff File

master 2eddbc8b

17.04.2019 21:54


Details Diff
foreachShaderName() only visits visible shaders

assets.lst handling now working for materials. Shader names returned by
foreachShaderName() will no longer include shaders in MTR files listed as
"hidden" in an assets.lst. Although this works at a file level, not an
individual shader level, the required flexibility can still be achieved by
moving all hidden shaders into a single MTR file (e.g. "").

Just as with models, hidden shaders are not listed in the tree but still
function correctly in the map itself. They will also still appear on the
Textures tab, which lists materials in use not materials from the mod tree.
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderLibrary.cpp Diff File

master 235786cf

03.04.2019 21:48


Details Diff
Check for null surface shader when iterating visible surfaces

This was causing a crash when viewing a model in the model selector, although
for some reason the crash only ever occurred during the first DarkRadiant
mod - radiant/modelfile/RenderablePicoModel.cpp Diff File

master bd8c930b

03.04.2019 21:29


Details Diff
Add tests and testdata for ShaderDefinition visibility

Parsing of assets.lst is now working for shaders, with the visibility
propagating to all shaders contained within a listed MTR file.
add - radiant/test/data/vfs_root/materials/assets.lst Diff File
add - radiant/test/data/vfs_root/materials/ Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File

master 8b7b9f87

02.04.2019 21:59


Details Diff
ShaderDefinition stores vfs::FileInfo not just filename

Storing the vfs::FileInfo paves the way for associating vfs::Visibility
information with shader definitions.
mod - radiant/shaders/CShader.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderDefinition.h Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderFileLoader.h Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderLibrary.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File

master afed9f8e

27.03.2019 21:59


Details Diff
ShaderFileLoader walks the VFS in its constructor

Since the ShaderFileLoader is taking a reference to the VFS anyway, it might as
well kick off the call to forEachFile() by itself, rather than requiring
calling code to set this up manually. This eliminates some duplicated code
between DarkRadiant and shadersTest.
mod - radiant/shaders/Doom3ShaderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderFileLoader.h Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File

master bd0d5211

26.03.2019 21:58


Details Diff
Simplify ShaderFileLoader path handling

ShaderFileLoader no longer needs its own _basePath variable to reconstruct the
path to the MTR file, since this is now available via FileInfo::fullPath().
This change in turn allows the shader file loading to behave the same with or
without a trailing slash on the materials directory name.
mod - radiant/shaders/Doom3ShaderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderFileLoader.h Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File

master b818a38a

26.03.2019 21:24


Details Diff
VirtualFileSystem::forEachFile no longer requires trailing slash on dir

The previous code did not complain but silently broke if the basedir parameter
did not include a trailing slash. Now we use standardPathWithSlash() within the
method to avoid imposing this unexpected requirement on calling code.
mod - include/ifilesystem.h Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/test/vfsTest.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/vfs/Doom3FileSystem.cpp Diff File

master 43bf6f44

13.03.2019 21:53


Details Diff
Add initial test for .mtr file parsing

Collect ShaderDefinitions by name in the MockShaderLibrary, and assert that
some of our example materials are present once ShaderFileLoader::parseFiles()
has finished.
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File

master 98e01bb3

13.03.2019 21:52


Details Diff
Improve handling of 'srcdir' environment variable

Throw a more meaningful exception if the srcdir variable is not set, rather
than a construction error from inside std::string.
mod - radiant/test/VFSFixture.h Diff File

master 7fa01ecc

12.03.2019 21:50


Details Diff
ShaderFileLoader can now parseFiles() in unit tests

Instead of calling GlobalFileSystem() directly, the ShaderFileLoader now takes
a reference to the VirtualFileSystem in its constructor, so it can use the
instance in the VFSFixture rather than crashing due to the lack of a module
mod - radiant/shaders/Doom3ShaderSystem.cpp Diff File
mod - radiant/shaders/ShaderFileLoader.h Diff File
mod - radiant/test/shadersTest.cpp Diff File
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