Released 10/01/2015
  • 0003901: [GUI] Need option to browse prefabs from non-FM paths as per DR 1.8.1 (greebo)
  • 0003915: [General] Activating filters under some conditions crashes DR (greebo)
  • 0003916: [GUI] Light Shader preview sometimes shows just a grey box (greebo)
  • 0003917: [Map Editing] Entity list takes ages to show (greebo)
  • 0003918: [Map Editing] Search field in Entity list (greebo)
  • 0003921: [Map Editing] Crash when loading a new map with non-empty entity selection (greebo)
  • 0003923: [GUI] GroupDialog Notebook is referenced by two different wxSizerItems at the same time (greebo)
  • 0003935: [GUI] Can't type into the SelectionSet dropdown box. (greebo)
  • 0003936: [Map Editing] Crash when deleting a selection containing both child primitive and parent entity (greebo)
  • 0003937: [Map Editing] When switching to Group Part selection mode, try to keep func_static selections (greebo)
  • 0003938: [Design/Coding] DR not remembering ortho layout of SplitPane View after closing DR (greebo)
  • 0003995: [Design/Coding] Redesign mouse interaction code used in 3D- and orthoviews (greebo)
  • 0003999: [Renderer] Texture Tool sometimes not drawing, render area is just grey (greebo)
  • 0003940: [GUI] Ctrl+Tab sometimes does nothing (greebo)
  • 0003965: [GUI] Application getting out of focus when closing inspectors (greebo)
  • 0003975: [Map Editing] Drag-manipulated func_statics can go off-screen with only origin left for drawing (greebo)
  • 0003976: [GUI] Arrow key events in Preference Dialog get propagated to the main window (greebo)
  • 0003977: [GUI] Many treeviews are not sorting alphabetically (greebo)
  • 0003978: [GUI] Some mouse operations are breaking when cursor is moved beyond the view (greebo)
  • 0003994: [GUI] Switching on realtime rendering might cause irresponsiveness of Camera (greebo)
  • 0002251: [Design/Coding] DR 1.3.1: Any items dragged snap back to original location (greebo)
  • 0003997: [GUI] Particle editor broken in 2.0.2 pre3 (greebo)
  • 0003998: [General] Feature request: for 2.0.2 - Adjustable drag/scrolling speed in orthoview (greebo)
  • 0003860: [Map Editing] Rotated light volume can not be resized properly (greebo)
  • 0004001: [Design/Coding] scene::Node destruction issues, PatchNode destructor never invoked (greebo)
  • 0004003: [Map Editing] Crash in FaceInstance::selectedChanged (debug build) due to invalid callback (greebo)
  • 0004019: [GUI] "Wrong type" error window spam in certain menus (greebo)
  • 0004024: [GUI] EntityInspector doesn't react to type-ahead search (greebo)
  • 0004025: [GUI] SoundChooser doesn't scroll to the selected sound shader (greebo)
29 issues View Issues