DarkRadiant - Change Log
Released 21/08/2022
- 0006062: [Map Editing] Moving speakers deletes distance spawnargs if they're the same as in shader (greebo)
- 0006031: [GUI] Material Editor: allow to delete materials (greebo)
- 0006054: [GUI] Material Editor: image browser's "cancel" button rewrites the material source text (greebo)
- 0006053: [GUI] Material Editor: blend add stages are rendered separately in preview in lighting mode (greebo)
- 0006012: [GUI] Model exporter: export origin choice should use a radio button (greebo)
- 0005504: [Shader System] Reload Defs is not sufficient for reloading modelDefs (greebo)
- 0006035: [Map Editing] Models are reset to origin after reloadDecls (greebo)
- 0006027: [Shader System] Move ShaderExpression tests to Unit Test module (greebo)
- 0006021: [GUI] Add "Show Definition" to all ResourceTreeView instances (greebo)
- 0006040: [GUI] Material Editor: preview renders shadows for noshadows materials (greebo)
- 0006037: [GUI] Material Editor: can't unlock editing on materials in "Other Materials" folder (greebo)
- 0006036: [Models] Entities referring to modelDefs should use the "idle" pose where possible (greebo)
- 0005743: [GUI] Feature: "show definition" for more asset types (greebo)
- 0006034: [GUI] Material Editor: new materials always sorted last (greebo)
- 0006033: [GUI] Material Editor: filter for image browser (greebo)
- 0006029: [GUI] Material Editor: tries to save materials in DarkRadiant folder if no FM is installed (greebo)
- 0006052: [GUI] Material Editor: some declaration text is lost while editing (greebo)
- 0006056: [GUI] Material Editor: frob highlight stage not updated correctly when changing diffusemap (greebo)
- 0006051: [GUI] Material Editor: Global Settings should be preselected (greebo)
- 0006049: [GUI] Material Editor: using Escape to close ignores unsaved changes (greebo)
- 0006047: [GUI] Material Editor: clicking "cancel" when selecting a light classname clears the classname field (greebo)
- 0006046: [GUI] Material editor: image thumbnails use "scale" keyword from previously selected material (greebo)
- 0006057: [GUI] Light Texture Preview should display editor images if present (greebo)
- 0006045: [GUI] Material Editor: doesn't remember settings from previous session (greebo)
- 0006059: [GUI] Material Editor: test frob highlight button not working (greebo)
- 0006022: [Design/Coding] Refactor/Extend Favourite Management (greebo)
- 0006043: [Renderer] Material Editor: preview doesn't take "scale" into account in Textured Mode (greebo)
- 0006042: [GUI] Material Editor: preview object doesn't have smooth shading (greebo)
- 0006071: [GUI] Material Editor: New Material is locked if the default unnamed name is already in use (greebo)
- 0006050: [GUI] Material Editor: suboptimal preview for cubeMap materials (greebo)
- 0006073: [General] Renaming Declarations causes problems when saving it later (greebo)
- 0006055: [GUI] Material Editor: should show .mtr the material is defined in (greebo)
- 0005503: [Shader System] Reload Images (greebo)
- 0006069: [GUI] Material Editor: after "Reload Images", image previews are only updated when selecting a different material (greebo)
- 0006070: [Design/Coding] DeclarationManager needs to react to FM/Project setup changes (greebo)
- 0006066: [GUI] Let Map Info show materials used by models (greebo)
- 0006030: [GUI] Material Editor: does not save manual edits to source text (greebo)
- 0005988: [Map Editing] Unable to select func_emitter with particle attached (greebo)
- 0006061: [GUI] Particle effects still visable when hidden via layers or filter (greebo)
- 0006000: [Renderer] Particle Editor Preview lacks vertex colours in lighting mode (greebo)
- 0006064: [GUI] Skin Chooser doesn't preselect non-matching skins (greebo)
- 0006065: [Renderer] DR doesn't consider wildcards in skins (greebo)
- 0005997: [Models] 'Export selected as Collision Model' doesn't auto-create path folder and throws error (greebo)
- 0006014: [GUI] Model exporter: only 1 entity's model is reloaded (greebo)
- 0006013: [GUI] Model exporter: manually enter export origin (greebo)
- 0006011: [GUI] Model exporter: "Use entity origin as export origin" still uses map origin (greebo)
- 0006015: [GUI] Model exporter: rename "Center Objects around Origin" (greebo)
- 0006048: [GUI] Material Editor: allow to change preview background (greebo)
- 0006063: [GUI] Sound Chooser doesn't preselect shader if it's at the top of a folder (greebo)
- 0006003: [GUI] "Reload Defs" doesn't remove entities that have been commented out (greebo)
- 0006002: [GUI] Remove comments about particle generator in .prt files (greebo)
- 0006023: [Scripting] Python Interface for IDeclarationManager (greebo)
- 0006007: [Sound System] 'Reload Sounds' doesn't load new FM sound shader definitions (greebo)
- 0005977: [Design/Coding] Improve Declaration Block Parsing (greebo)
- 0004910: [General] DR does not parse materials in def files (greebo)
- 0005982: [GUI] Modifier Hint Popup can crash when hitting Ctrl/Alt/Shift keys during shutdown (greebo)
- 0005981: [GUI] Insignificant digits displayed in Surface Inspector shift/scale/rotate values (greebo)
- 0005972: [General] Feature request: leave player start entity selected after placement (greebo)
- 0005805: [GUI] Texture Tool free scale (greebo)
- 0005727: [GUI] Skin Chooser: show in which .skin file the skin is defined (greebo)
60 issues View Issues