| | | 0002527 | 2 | |
| normal | | 12/03/2013 | Give weapons to archers |
| | | 0003335 | 1 | |
| normal | | 09/03/2013 | Replace D3 impact sounds |
| | | 0003128 | 17 | |
| normal | | 09/03/2013 | Movable Oil lamps behave strangely |
| | | 0003278 | 11 | 6 |
| major | | 27/02/2013 | Snow particle effect dosent render in certain situations: |
| | | 0003316 | 1 | 1 |
| normal | | 27/02/2013 | Pickup messages for stackable objects do not include count information. |
| | | 0003100 | 1 | 1 |
| normal | | 26/02/2013 | Having an unaccessible path_flee_point breaks AI fleeing behavior |
| | | 0003202 | 1 | |
| minor | | 26/02/2013 | Mute AI can engage in greetings |
| | | 0002752 | 3 | 1 |
| normal | | 26/02/2013 | Changing AIs from neutral to enemies during game does not work unless the AIs bump into each other. |
| | | 0003323 | 4 | |
| normal | | 26/02/2013 | Need support for AI greeting pagans and beggars |
| | | 0003310 | 2 | |
| normal | | 26/02/2013 | Civilian AI should flee when encountering dead body. |
| | | 0003317 | 13 | |
| normal | | 25/02/2013 | AI need ability to react to sudden deaths of nearby AI |
| | | 0003325 | | |
| normal | | 24/02/2013 | Need barks for civilians fleeing after seeing body |
| | | 0003309 | 2 | |
| normal | | 23/02/2013 | Too easy to kill AI with arrows. |
| | | 0003324 | | |
| normal | | 23/02/2013 | Pagan head nonsolid from behind? |
| | | 0003326 | 4 | |
| normal | | 23/02/2013 | head_08 has non-solid gap at the back |
| | | 0003330 | 1 | |
| normal | | 23/02/2013 | Correct incorrect AI ranks |
| | | 0003078 | 6 | |
| normal | | 20/02/2013 | AI are inconsistent when finding neutral bodies |
| | | 0003315 | 2 | 1 |
| normal | | 18/02/2013 | Second identical item pickpocketed does not count to "Pockets picked" statistic |
| | | 0003313 | 2 | 2 |
| normal | | 18/02/2013 | Picked pockets are counted twice |
| | | 0003314 | 1 | 1 |
| normal | | 18/02/2013 | Found bodies of enemies killed by player do not count to 'Bodies found' |
| | | 0002540 | 1 | |
| minor | resolved | 18/02/2013 | AI-foodsteps on Func-statics |
| | | 0001188 | 1 | |
| feature | | 16/02/2013 | Target entity for easy changing of AI sound loss on portals |
| | | 0001184 | 1 | |
| feature | | 16/02/2013 | Glass doors - spawnarg to disable portal closing |
| | | 0003228 | | |
| normal | | 16/02/2013 | Adding Sound loss on regular visportals |
| | | 0002818 | 5 | 1 |
| normal | | 03/02/2013 | Horse is KO'd by strike to the back |
| | | 0003302 | 5 | 1 |
| major | | 27/01/2013 | Placing the playerstart inside a trigger_once_entityname causes crash. |
| | | 0003299 | | |
| feature | new | 26/01/2013 | Objective conditions can not take effect on the same objective that caused an effect |
| | | 0003297 | 1 | |
| feature | | 26/01/2013 | There is no ko_script spawnarg for AI. |
| | | 0003294 | 1 | 1 |
| minor | | 25/01/2013 | Integrated Mission Downloader has inconsistent mission handling (for some missions) |
| | | 0003292 | 3 | 1 |
| tweak | | 21/01/2013 | Wrong objective level names in end mission screen |
| | | 0003293 | | |
| normal | | 20/01/2013 | Water Impact sounds |
| | | 0003291 | 5 | |
| normal | | 19/01/2013 | AI play wrong vocal when drowning |
| | | 0003289 | 1 | |
| feature | | 19/01/2013 | add setViewAngles() to idPlayer |
| | | 0003281 | 1 | |
| normal | | 14/01/2013 | Player takes advantage of shadows cast by a carried moveable |
| | | 0003290 | 1 | |
| normal | | 13/01/2013 | When getting up, sitting AI might use the getting up from sleeping animation |
| | | 0003288 | 1 | |
| feature | | 12/01/2013 | add floor() and ceil() script events |
| | | 0003287 | 1 | |
| minor | | 12/01/2013 | MapShutdown() is called twice during shutdown |
| | | 0003286 | 1 | |
| normal | | 12/01/2013 | Eating food can crash with ERROR:idRenderWorld::UpdateEntityDef: index = -1 |
| | | 0003282 | 1 | |
| feature | | 11/01/2013 | add getShouldered(), getDragged() and getGrabbed() script events |
| | | 0003285 | 1 | |
| minor | | 11/01/2013 | atdm:ai_townsfolk_commoner has broken skin |
| | | 0002336 | 5 | 1 |
| normal | new | 11/01/2013 | Decal issue (grime corners) - see-through effect. when behind another patch |
| | | 0003201 | 3 | |
| normal | | 03/01/2013 | Replace D3 Heads |
| | | 0003277 | 1 | |
| feature | | 02/01/2013 | Add getBoolKey() to scripting interface |
| | | 0003276 | | |
| feature | new | 02/01/2013 | "editor_rotatable" not supported |
| | | 0002624 | 4 | |
| normal | | 01/01/2013 | Buggy AI prop lantern |
| | | 0003271 | 1 | |
| normal | | 11/12/2012 | add getDifficultyLevel() script event |
| | | 0003264 | 1 | 1 |
| normal | | 26/11/2012 | Noshadows_lod_x spawnarg actually affects (x-1) LOD |
| | | 0002302 | 1 | |
| normal | suspended | 26/11/2012 | make idStaticEntity damagable and remove idDamagable |
| | | 0002090 | 1 | |
| feature | suspended | 26/11/2012 | Add a cvar converting moving/flickering lights into static (unmoving) lights ones |
| | | 0003215 | 2 | |
| feature | new | 26/11/2012 | BinaryFrobMovers need a "moving" sound |